Diocese of the Northeast
Anglican Church in America
The Right Reverend Dr. Alexander H. Webb
Bishop Ordinary
Easter 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Blessed Day of Resurrection!
We have been walking through the Holy Triduum, the days of the Passion of our Lord. And now we come to the most Holy day of all! For now is the resurrection of our Lord. Now is the time when he rose from the dead, breaking the chains of death for each one of us, giving eternal life to us who would believe.
It is vital for us to remember at this season that we are not to be people who ask “What?” What happened? What were people thinking? What did Jesus do?
Instead, we are the people that ask the question “Who?” Jesus came to Mary as she was weeping at the tomb. He didn’t ask: “What’s wrong?” He asked: “Who are you looking for?” We, as Christ’s people, are those who are seeking a person, not an explanation. We recognize that the whats of this world are not enough. We need a person who can lead us. Christianity has never truly been a religion. It is, at its essence, a relationship, an encounter and relationship with the Risen Lord. When Mary was at the tomb she saw a man she assumed was the gardener, “Who are you looking for?” When she realized that Jesus was speaking to her, she went to the disciples and said, “I have seen the Lord!”
We Christians are those who can say with Mary, “I have seen the Lord. I have met him. He lives with me right now. He loves me right now. He is Risen from the grave!” Let us rejoice with him as we say: “Alleluia (Praise the Lord)! Christ is Risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!” And let us live in the light of the Resurrection and in the presence of the risen Lord all the year long!
Happy Easter!!
Your brother and Bishop,
+Hendy Webb
