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Easter Message from the Bishop

Writer's picture: Brad MathiasBrad Mathias

Bishop's Easter Message

Almighty God, who through thine only-begotten Son Jesus Christ hast overcome death, and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life; We humbly beseech thee that, as by thy special grace preventing us thou dost put into our minds good desires, so by thy continual help we may bring the same to good effect; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost ever, one God, world without end. Amen.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Each year at Eastertide Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is the central moment in our faith,the focus of our belief in the God who has created us, nurtures us and extends to us the hope of life eternal.

Easter is what we are as Christian. Easter is our identity, our true identity in God's world. Easter is more than a set of theological arguments, however compelling they may be; it is more than a collection of moral principles, however necessary they certainly are; Easter is much more than the wonderful services and ceremonies within which we participate at this time of year.Easter is all this. And much, much more.

Easter celebrates the mystery of God's deep and abiding love for us, a love that will reach out to embrace us at each stage of our lives; a love that will reach out to us even beyond the grave.

During this most holy time of the year, we joy in the Resurrection message.

Though we may never fully comprehend the mystery that surrounds the events of Holy Week and Easter,we do know that it is a journey that God travelsfor us. It is a journey that God undertakes out of His profound love for us.

As we celebrate Easter this year and as we contemplate the mystery of our Resurrection faith, may our hearts be filled with the love that comes from God, a love that surrounds us at the beginning– and at the last.

A Blessed

Eastertide to you all!

Your Brother in Christ,


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