Greetings Friends and Colleagues of the DNE,
Recently the IAF received a special emergency appeal for a church in South Africa (St. Mark's - Koffiefontein) that sustained roof damage due to a windstorm. If that wasn't enough, the roof opening made it possible for thieves to enter into the building and make off with plumbing pipes and other items that must be replaced for things to get back to normal.

The IAF Board of Directors has voted to match donations given for this one-time project. An article from Archbishop Michael Gill of South Africa is attached for distribution. The IAF has already received approx $1,100 so far from other dioceses. Please let your folks know of this need so that repairs can be completed soon.
Checks can be sent to the IAF P.O. Box 42, West Seneca, NY 14224 and marked for "St. Marks Repairs".
Blessings, Ed+