My brothers and sisters in Christ,
Thank you so much for the wonderful day that we
had in Rochester, NH, on Friday, October 27.
The Service of Installation and Enthronement was truly a marvelous time of worship and celebration. Several people spoke to me later stating that they had a vital and lifegiving experience of the Holy Spirit through the music (thank you Carlos Martinez!) and liturgy
(thank you Canon Matt and the people of Trinity!). Our business meeting rounded out the feeling of love and unity that surrounds us as Christians and members of the Diocese of the
Northeast. My great appreciation goes out to Canons Matt and Brad and their congregations for the hosting of the Synod activities. As we look forward into the coming seasons of Advent and Christmas, we cannot forget the real purpose of the times. Jesus Christ came
to us as a human, “emptying himself” and becoming one of us, so that we might be raised up to where He is. Jesus will come again, judging the quick and the dead, showing us our sins, purifying us and making us worthy to stand before Him in glory and to worship Him
with all truth and spiritual holiness.

In Diocesan news, we mourn our loss with the passing into eternal life of The Rev. Canon Neville Brathwaite of St. Joseph Church, Brooklyn, NY, The Rev. Mr. William Dunn of St. Luke’s Pro-Cathedral, Amherst, NH, and Mary Thomas of St. Margaret’s Church, Conway, NH. May light perpetual shine upon each of them, and may the Spirit of comfort be with
each of their families. There have been a number of actions this fall that are working to
bring the People of God closer together. At our G-3 Joint Synods, resolutions were adopted to bring us into ever-closer union. Conversations were held to further relations between
our parent, the Traditional Anglican Church, and the Anglican Catholic Church. Numerous
other bodies of Anglican (and non-Anglican) Churches joined with us in fellowship and worship, realizing that the human divisions that separate us are nothing compared to the surpassing worth of rejoicing in Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Savior. As we come more and more into union, let us pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to guide our thoughts and actions!
Of course, it must be pointed out that, whenever the Church becomes stronger, there are forces that would attempt to tear us apart. Let us not give in to this negativity, but work to deepen our faith, love and walk with the Lord. It is He that lifts us up and protects us through all the storms of this world. Praise God!
God’s blessings be upon you all,
+Hendy Webb
For the full edition of the December 2023 NEA -